Hydroxyl 3.0: Purifying The Air We Breathe

Hydroxyl 3.0 works to improve indoor air quality in a variety of enclosed spaces, including barns and livestock facilities, commercial, industrial, public transportation, and more. By leveraging advanced oxidation processes, it has the capability to effectively eliminate up to 80% of airborne particulate matter present in these environments.

Particulate matter, such as pollen, fungi, spores, and micro-toxins, often infiltrates indoor spaces through various means, even in well-maintained areas. Hydroxyl 3.0 interacts with these particles significantly reducing them, creating a cleaner and healthier atmosphere. After interacting it breaks down to leave a dry non slip surface.

In livestock environments, common indoor sources of particulate matter include mold, litter, off-gasses, and feed bins, especially when feed has a low moisture ratio. Hydroxyl 3.0 works by effectively removing dust particles and bacteria, thus contributing to the purification of the air. This proactive approach aims to create an environment in which harmful microorganisms cannot thrive.

Clean air is vital for both humans and animals as it directly impacts overall health and well-being. When the air we breathe contains excessive particulate matter, several adverse effects can occur. Particulate matter consists of tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the air, including pollutants like dust, pollen, mold spores, and micro-toxins.

Inhaling these particles can lead to respiratory problems, exacerbate allergies, and increase the risk of lung infections. For animals, such as livestock in barns, airborne particulate matter can be particularly detrimental, causing discomfort, reducing productivity, and leading to health issues. Prolonged exposure to poor air quality can have chronic effects on both humans and animals, leading to respiratory diseases and reduced quality of life.

Ensuring clean and purified air is not just a matter of comfort but a fundamental necessity for maintaining optimal health and productivity in enclosed spaces.

hydroxyl 3 fogging spray action pictures

Hydroxyl 3.0 is a powerful solution for improving air quality and reducing particulate matter in enclosed spaces. To truly appreciate its effectiveness, we encourage you to experience it firsthand. Contact us today to schedule a free on-site consultation and demonstration with one of our experienced team members. Witness the difference Hydroxyl 3.0 can make in creating a healthier and cleaner environment for you, your animals, or your workforce. Don’t miss the opportunity to breathe easier and enhance the well-being of your indoor spaces.

Disclosure: Product is pending final EPA approval